Too Much Information (or Can Everyone Please Shut Up For A Moment, Some Of Us Are Trying To Think.)
Nowadays the world is full of people trying to tell us things. So we’ve taught our brains not to pay much attention. Which makes everyone shout louder to try and get our attention. Which makes us tune out even more. And so it goes on. So I figured it was worth stopping a moment and examining quite how much nonsense there was surrounding us.
Suspicious adverts, baffling newspaper headlines, fake twitter endless cat videos and insane TV shows where the presenters ask the same questions over and over… these are just some of the topics.

Dave Gorman’s Found Poetry. (Booklet)
It started off as a feature on my radio show. People asked me to do them live… so i did. Then people asked if I’d publish some of them. So I have.
“I particularly loved the jingoistic freeform poem composed entirely from a newspaper comments thread.” The Observer.
If you’ve seen the Powerpoint Presentation tour, or you listen to the radio show then you’ll already be familiar with these miniature celebrations of self-important pomposity, culled from the comments sections of news websites and lovingly compiled by yours truly.
These were initially intended only for sale on tour… but you asked… so here it is.
20pages/17poems/5 quid.

Are You Dave Gorman? DVD aka The Dave Gorman Collection DVD
All 6 episodes of the world-travelling, namesake hunting nonsense that was my first TV series. Don’t I look young?
As with the Googlewhack DVD there’s a special song and video as an extra… this time it’s by Misty’s Big Adventure. They’re fab.
Made in 2000. First shown in 2001. Rushed on to the DVD market in… oh… 2007.
It’s multi-region – so it should play everywhere.
Click (then scroll) to buy

Dave Gorman: Stand Up. Live DVD
This is the show that I originally toured around the UK by bicylce and then again by car and train. It’s not about cycling though… which is why I’ve changed the original, cycling-centric title. I figured that’d be confusing in DVD-land.
It’s not about any one thing, as it goes.
It’s a back to basics, one man and a mic stand-up show. Sort of. Not available in the shops… but definitely available here.
It’s multi-region – so it should play everywhere.